All The Different Types of BBL & How To Ask for The BBL You Want.


All The Different Types of BBL & How To Ask for The BBL You Want.

The Brazilian Butt Lift, often known as the BBL, is one of the most common types of cosmetic surgery. Patients appreciate how the BBL treatment works as a “two-for-one” surgery since it adds volume to the buttocks while simultaneously shaping and reducing another body region. This technique enables a huge change in a single step.

 HOWEVER, potential BBL patients should be aware that not all Brazilian Butt Lift outcomes are the same. There are several BBL forms and results. The client’s objectives will determine these different outcomes. The approach used by a surgeon for a BBL surgery will decide the sort of shape the client naturally possesses and the desired goal.

 If you’re thinking about attempting a Brazilian Butt Lift, it’s a good idea to figure out what you want your butt to look like in the end. This is when form comes into play. Determine the natural form of your rear first, and then narrow down which of the BBL shapes will fit best with your dimensions.

 Classic Pre- BBL Types and Shapes

Bums are similar to snowflakes in that each one is distinct and varied! Most natural pre-BBL bottoms fall into one of the four types listed below.

 Inverted or V-Shaped Butt

The V-shaped buttocks lack bulk in the lower buttocks and get typically accompanied by a larger abdominal region. Bums with this form are often “flatter” and resemble an inverted triangle. Patients with an inverted or V-shaped buttock may choose a BBL to fill their pants and add volume to their behind.

 In general, these treatments involve injecting additional fat from the abdomen or thighs into the buttocks. An around/bubble-shaped butt is the optimal surgical objective for most individuals with an inverted-shaped bottom.

 Square or H-shaped Butt

A square or H-shaped bum, like a V-shape, is relatively flat. Those with a square bum, like those with a V-shape, have a larger abdominal region. A square butt, on the other hand, is less angular and boxier than a V-shape. This can aggravate people with this form since it can be challenging to locate clothes that fit a giant belly and a flatter bum. 

 Those with a square-shaped back choose to collect fat from their abdomen and flanks for this operation. The heart or A-shape is the most typical outcome objective for a BBL candidate with square buttocks.

 Heart or A-Shaped Butt

A heart-shaped or A-shaped bottom is one of the more typically attractive forms of butts. Individuals with a naturally occurring A-shaped behind generally have a conventional hourglass body, with a narrow waist and broad hips. Many BBL candidates go into their surgery to achieve a heart-shaped bottom. 

 However, many naturally heart-shaped buttocks choose a BBL because it improves what they were born with. This might result in an even more luscious behind than previously!

 Round or O-Shaped Butt

The spherical, O-shaped behind is colloquially known as a “bubble butt.” This form gets recognized for its signature curved shape, which results from large hips and many volumes. Those who have a bubble butt typically choose a BBL treatment to accentuate their naturally round features.